
My personal blog, and early exploration of the web



I started my first blog as “Centripetal Notion” in 2004, a name I thought was terrifically clever at the time. I can’t find a screenshot of the original site, but I did find one for my redesign a year later:


Shortly after I was accepted into the 9rules blog network, which featured writers such as Pete Cashmore and Om Malik. The following year 9rules won best community at SXSW.

I focused on curating and commenting on art, design, technology, and emerging internet culture. You can tell as much from the word cloud in my screenshot. At one point I was reading about 250 RSS feeds daily to source content and follow the emerging blogosphere and Web 2.0 scene. I experienced the Digg effect many times, and quickly learned about server optimization.

Much later in 2014, I received a small fellowship from Tumblr to do a bit of blogging on gov.tumblr.com, following our brief work together on 🇺🇸The PPL: the indie media hub of the 2012 DNC. I took the opportunity to migrate my content to Tumblr, where it lives today, though is no longer updated.